Delta Logistics - Delivering to the world since 1904.

Our History

Since 1904, Delta Logistics has been a trusted provider of commercial and agriculture warehousing and a myriad of additional value-added services to a variety of clients in three locations: Dallas, Greenville and Cooper, Texas.

Founded as the Delta County Farmers Association (DCFA), the company was created to serve Northeast Texas cotton farmers with crop processing and distribution. For over a hundred years, Delta has continued to serve its community with the same dedication and honesty.

That mission continued in 1938 when Quentin Miller and Hubert Smith  responded to a new USDA loan program effecting farmers. Beginning with two warehouses totaling 20,000-square-feet at the DCFA site in Cooper, Texas, the facility grew to over 90,000 square-feet under five buildings before the start of World War II. Miller had assumed full ownership and operated the facility until joining the Army in 1943.

Returning in 1947, Miller was elected President of the DCFA by the stockholders and he and L.F. Hooten Sr. quickly went to work rebuilding the facility and business.

In the 1950s, the company evolved its role and charted the course that would lead to its present day operations. By handling one commercial account for the First National Bank and Delta National Bank (Cooper,TX), and gaining a national reputation for producing a new type of baby and toddler clothing, the company developed an expertise in commercial warehouse operations.

The Greenville cotton compress facility, home to Delta’s corporate office and warehousing, gained global recognition in the 20th century as the largest inland press in the world. British, French, German and Chinese were so enamored with Greenville cotton that they went through whatever lengths necessary to obtain the Greenville Compress marking.

In1979, the DCFA became involved in the daily operations of the Greenville compress, as cotton production in Northeast Texas was in the midst of a rapid decline; many existing compress and gin operators were folding. The Greenville facility offered rail access and did not require extensive repairs. The DCFA purchased the equipment and 18 acres after securing commitments from 16 area gins; experienced operators were hired and cotton processing began. Rubbermaid arrived in Greenville in 1989 and began a relationship with Delta that continues today. Other Delta clients have included Wing Industries, Tom’s Peanuts and Chips, and Crown Door.

In 1991, Frank Miller took over the company—known then as Greenville Compress Storage & Transportation— from his father. Frank would lead the company’s expansion into other markets in response to declining cotton production. A drastic modernization of company facilities and equipments facilitated growth to six warehouse locations, providing logistic services for a wide variety of clients, by 1993.

The company was re-branded Delta Logistics in 1996, and has been a leading service provider—enabling customers to efficiently store and distribute goods, increasing their sales and profits—for an abundance of community businesses.

After more than a century of reliable service, Delta is still a trusted name in the cotton industry—coordinating the logistics that gets Texas cotton to such destinations as Indonesia and China. Taking advantages the development of the Dallas port into an international hub, Delta began offering full-service International Commodity Exchange for cotton in 2013.

The methods have been updated, but the company’s original ideology remains intact—just like the floor of the original Greenville Compress.

Delta’s commitment to service is reflected by its continued growth. Named one of the “Top Ten Warehouse Providers” by The Dallas Business Journal, Delta strives for a culture of unmatched performance and integrity. Our customers are our business. That’s why, at Delta, service is King.

Delta Logistics - 8600 S. Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75421

Phone: (800) 240-2654

© 2025